Sololo Residents Defend Their Senator Against Governor's Accusations

 Sololo Residents Defend Their Senator Against Governor's Accusations


In a recent interview with Ibse Radio, Marsabit county senator Mohamed chute responded to a question about the current state of the county's finances. His response was met with mixed reactions from the public.
Some people were in support of the senator, saying that he was just being honest about the current situation. Others felt that he was being too negative and should have given a more optimistic answer.

What do you think about the senator's response? Do you think he was being honest or too negative? Let us know in the comments below!

On Wednesday, Marsabit county senator, Mohamed chute was interviewed by Ibse Radio where he talked about how the county was progressing in various sectors.

The senator's immediate response came after the County boss was pleased with the interview.

Speaking to the press, the boss said that the interview was conducted professionally and it has provided the public with an insight into the county's affairs.

The boss further stated that the county was making great strides in various sectors and that the future looks bright for the county.

Residents of Marsabit County in Kenya have accused Senator  Ms Chute of neglecting his duties and not working with Governor Ali Suit to improve the county. Ms Chute has defended himself, saying that he is working hard to represent the people of Marsabit and has met with the governor several times to discuss ways to improve the county.

 Senator Ms Chute has been accused of neglecting his duties by Marsabit residents.

Senator Ms chute has defended himself, saying that he is working hard to represent the people of Marsabit and has met with the governor several times to discuss ways to improve the county.

After the county boss' initial response to Senator Chute's interview, many people had mixed reactions. Some people were in support of the county boss, while others thought that the response was not enough. However, the county boss' response did bring up some valid points that should be considered. Please share our article and support us so that we can continue to bring you news and information.
