Mohamed chute marsabit county senator response to drought affected resident with water and food

 Mohamed chute marsabit county senator response to drought affected resident with water and food

Residents of Marsabit County in Kenya are currently facing the worst drought in recent memory. The county has been declared a disaster area by the government, and all schools have been closed due to the lack of water. 
In response to the crisis, Mohamed Chute, the Marsabit county senator, has been working tirelessly to provide water and food to the affected residents. He has set up a water distribution system and is working with the Kenya Red Cross to provide food aid. 
The senator’s efforts have been praised by the residents of Marsabit County, who are extremely grateful for his help.

The senator Mohamed chute of Marsabit County has responed to the resident who have been affected by the recent drought in the area. The senator has provided the residents with water and food. The senator has also promised to provide the residents with more assistance in the future.

Mohamed Chute, the Marsabit county senator, has been working tirelessly to provide water and food to the affected residents. He has set up a water distribution system and is working with the Kenya Red Cross to provide food aid. 

The senator’s efforts have been praised by the residents of Marsabit County, who are extremely grateful for his help.

Chute said that he had been left with no choice but to take matters into his own hands when politicians failed to respond appropriately to their plight. He added that it was now up to him as an individual to ensure that those affected by this crisis would be provided with adequate assistance.

I am writing to you on behalf of the residents of Marsabit County. I am concerned about the drought and how it has affected us in our everyday lives.

We are suffering from lack of water and food as a result of this drought. We are forced to buy bottled water, cook with firewood and eat food that does not have enough nutrition for us. This is affecting families, especially children who are malnourished because they do not get enough food at home.

I would like to ask Senator Mohamed Chute to provide more funding for water projects in our county so that we can have clean water at home again. I would also like to ask him to provide more funds for agricultural projects so that we can grow our own food again instead of having to buy it from outside vendors or even stealing it from other people’s farms or gardens when they cannot produce enough themselves due to lack of fertilizer or water for irrigation purposes
