Marsabit county media tv news:Ethiopia needs the world to hold Tigray's TPLF to its promise

The arrival of threats in the north of Ethiopia last month has crushed the nation's well deserved progress towards an enduring harmony. After just about two years of war and far reaching annihilation, the delicate expectation that networks in Tigray, A far distance and Amhara were getting a handle on at has been taken.

The worldwide local area currently has a critical decision to make, one it has so far avoided. It can either pressure the Tigray Nation's Freedom Front (TPLF) to end its brutality and enter harmony talks, or it can stay quiet and encourage them to grow their hostile.

New reports recommending that the TPLF is currently ready to join African Association (AU)- interceded talks are gladly received. Notwithstanding, it is critical that they are held to their promise.
